Complete Set of Image Folders for all Continents
by Primary
Learn About the Animals, People, Land and Way of Life in all Seven Continents with this Collection.
Is it time to update your continent folders? You will appreciate the interesting photographs, uniform size and vivid borders to match each continent for your Montessori geography work. This complete collection features all seven of our continent sets at a discount.
Key Features
- 280 images (40 of each continent)
- Nice variety of images including landscapes, animals, people, and culture
- Satellite image of each of the continents from space
- Cards showing location of each continent in the world.
- Cards measure 4 x 5 inches with white border
- printed on quality 100% post consumer recycled white card stock ready for you to trim and laminate yourself
- or laminated (5-7mil), trimmed and ready for immediate use.