Pets 3-Part Cards with Objects
by Primary
SKU Zo82Lo
This set comes with 11 hand painted pet animal figures (about 1.5" in size) and 3 Part Cards with full color photos to match
Children will be drawn to this compelling work on pets. Who doesn't want to work with a pet hedgehog or a Persian cat? This Montessori Material has our beautiful nomeclature cards with realistic matching objects (objects are up to 3").
- Hedgehog
- Persian Cat
- Corgi Dog
- Ferret
- Goldfish
- Hamster
- Iguana
- Mouse
- Rabbit
- Turtle
- Parakeet
- With small 1-3" objects
- laminated (5-7mil), trimmed and ready for immediate use.
- or printed on quality 100% post consumer recycled white card stock ready for you to trim and laminate yourself
- or as downloadable pdf without objects